Proactive Updates to Keep Your Drupal Site Current
The Drupal community issues monthly routine updates, as well as critical security updates as needed. ZenCMS offers a first-of it's kind to service to ensure the Drupal code base is kept up to date with the latest security updates, version upgrades, bug fixes and new features. No other Drupal CMS or Cloud provider offers this level of support to support everything from routine patches all the way up through major version upgrades.

Proactive Monitoring and Installing
Our team proactively monitors the Drupal community as updates are released, allowing us to install, test and synchronize with client leads to coordinate deployment. With ZenCMS, enjoy peace of mind knowing your Drupal site will always be the latest version with the most secure, up-to-date models.
This includes monitoring the Drupal community for security patches, bug fixes, updates to modules and new feature enhancements.
Incremental & Major Version Upgrades
ZenCMS support also includes incremental and major version upgrades so your IT team never needs to worry about ensuring your site is running on the latest and most secure version of Drupal. This includes wrapping all of your site modules and custom code around our SLA to always keep you up-to-date and secure.

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